Saturday, June 13, 2009

holy cow, so today is the day!

At around 5pm, I'll be picking out two buff orpingtons, two rhode island reds, and two black australorps, and bringing them home :)

There's still a little to do on the coop, but as long as I can shut the thing so they don't break out and so no varmints get into it, they'll be spending their first night in the wilds of Pittsburg. I was calling the neighborhood Chihuahua Meadows because of all the high-strung barking, but might have to change that to El Camino De Los Gatos, given how many cats there are in a 1 block radius.

Lucy and Daisy have no clue what is going to happen in a few hours. They just know I've been in and out, and that I'm busy getting things ready. For something.

Right now I'm thinking about what to call the little girls. And I'm wondering how quickly I'll find myself in over my head.

Orange Julius sits across the yard from the coop, and surveys it, when I see him in the yard. The first day the base was up, he and one of his girlfriends (luckily, she's been fixed) were sitting under it, just matter-of-fact in a 'we're going to hang out here, so you might as well just find someplace else to work for now' sort of way. Looks like he's been sleeping on the compost again, there was a small cat indentation in the top of the weeds on top of it this morning when I went out there to water plants.

Anway, I hope to be posting pictures and posting about the chicks in the next couple days :)

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